Advanced Egress Solutions

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So far Advanced Egress Solutions has created 47 blog entries.

Insights on Innovation

EMS evacuation tools for major disasters There are many individual solutions depending on the type of incident. The Albac Mat is a lightweight drag stretcher with a corrugated plastic bottom. The drag strap allows you to pull a victim across the floor and easily descend stairs. It is remarkably lightweight [...]

2022-05-25T05:08:00+00:00 July 3rd, 2015|News|

Move Patients Easily

The article “Watching Your Back” (November JEMS) discussed how new products are finally being developed to help us move patients in a safe manner. The AlbacMat Rescue Mat by Advanced Egress Solutions is a great example of such a product. This flexible rescue mat is designed to allow as few [...]

2022-02-08T05:39:52+00:00 April 26th, 2014|News|

Preparing for Disasters in America

George Butts • "Preparing for Disaster in the America" I'm producing a blog-talk radio show Tuesday’s @ 0700 Pacific. We expanded it across the country with an all hazards approach. Be my guest. Our guest this Tuesday May 14th is Lynn Moloney, President of Advanced Egress Solutions. Lynn is a [...]

2022-02-08T05:40:27+00:00 January 12th, 2013|News|

Advanced Egress Solutions, Inc. receives Certificate of Appreciation from U.S. Homeland Security

Advanced Egress Solutions, Inc. received a Certificate of Appreciation from U.S. Homeland Security for distinguished service in support of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Association National Preparedness Month. “Your dedicated service and commitment to preparedness brings great credit to yourself, your fellow citizens and nation”. [...]

2022-02-08T05:41:30+00:00 September 30th, 2012|News|