Evacuation sheet S-CAPEPOD

Evacuation sheet S-CAPEPOD

What’s the philosophy behind the device?

In case of an emergency evacuation, it should be your number one priority to get bedridden patients out of the building. They cannot do this alone. Care workers and staff will need to help. Without an evacuation device, this is almost impossible. During the development of S-CAPEPOD evacuation sheet, we set three core values: speed, simplicity and comfort. Three values that are of crucial importance during an emergency.

The S-CAPEPOD is permanently placed underneath the mattress. The patient neither sees it, nor feels it. Due to its intuitive design, the patient will be ready for evacuation in a matter of seconds.

Bacteria free

The cloth protects people against the danger of bacteria.

Fire retardant

Produced with fire retardant yarns to ensure fire retardancy.

Fits these mattresses

Width: 080-090 centimeter | Maximum length: 210 centimeter

Tensile strength

The pulling straps were safely tested up to 5000 kg.

Conformitée Européenne & ISO mark

Produced in alliance with the European law and ISO standards.

Weight capacity

120-150 kg, depending on the body size.


What’s the philosophy behind the device?

In case of an emergency evacuation, it should be your number one priority to get bedridden patients out of the building. They cannot do this alone. Care workers and staff will need to help. Without an evacuation device, this is almost impossible. During the development of S-CAPEPOD evacuation sheet, we set three core values: speed, simplicity and comfort. Three values that are of crucial importance during an emergency.

The S-CAPEPOD is permanently placed underneath the mattress. The patient neither sees it, nor feels it. Due to its intuitive design, the patient will be ready for evacuation in a matter of seconds.

Bacteria free

The cloth protects people against the danger of bacteria.

Fire retardant

Produced with fire retardant yarns to ensure fire retardancy.

Fits these mattresses

Width: 080-090 centimeter | Maximum length: 210 centimeter

Tensile strength

The pulling straps were safely tested up to 5000 kg.

Conformitée Européenne & ISO mark

Produced in alliance with the European law and ISO standards.

Weight capacity

120-150 kg, depending on the body size.


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